CIRPA Board of Directors
The activities of CIRPA are directed by a Board of Directors consisting of nine directors. Eight of these positions are elected by the membership to two-year terms: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and four Members-At-Large. The ninth member of the Board is the Conference Chair of the upcoming annual conference.
In addition to the Board of Directors, there is a Nominations Committee that solicits nominations and develops the slate of candidates for election by the membership.
Elections for the Board of Directors and Nominations Committee occur every Spring. If you are interested in getting involved with the Association, please contact any member of the current Board of Directors or Nominations Committee:
Miranda Pearson, University of Regina (Term 2023-2025)
Stephen Blair Dove, University of New Brunswick (Term 2023-2025)
Connie Phelps, Conestoga College (Term 2024-2026)
Martha Meisner, Dalhousie University (Term 2024-2026)
Members at Large
Antonia Sly Nichols, Nova Scotia Community College (Term 2024-2026)
Isabelle Cormier, Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (Term 2023-2025)
Matthew Hack, Durham College (Term 2023-2025)
Adrian Mitescu, University Canada West (Term 2023-2025)
Nominations Committee
Stephanie McKeown, Chair, University of British Columbia
Neil Chakraborty, University of Toronto
David Paul, Portage College
Yuqin Gong, University of Prince Edward Island
Sonia Beattie, Dalhousie University