Thank you for participating in the Annual Election for the CIRPA Board! We had a record number of voters this year. I am pleased to announce your new elected Board that will be in place after our AGM in October 2024.

Congratulations to our upcoming Board members:
o Connie Phelps (Conestoga College) – Treasurer (2nd term 2024-2026) – Acclaimed
o Martha Meisner (Dalhousie University) – Secretary (1st term 2024-2026) – Elected
o Antonia ‘Nonie’ Sly Nichols (Nova Scotia Community College) – Member-at-large (2nd term 2024-2026) – Elected

Congratulations to our new nominating committee member, Sonia Beattie (Dalhousie University).

A heartfelt appreciation to all of you who put your name forward for the election. We had a wonderful slate of candidates!

I would like to extend my deep gratitude to our Nominating Committee members for their continuous support, collaboration and hard work. Thank you David Paul (Portage College), Yuqin Gong (University of Prince Edward Island), and Neil Chakraborty (University of Toronto). You are all the best!

Stephanie McKeown, University of British Columbia
Nominating Committee Chair