Best Presentation Awards

The Best Presentation Award is selected by conference attendees and a review panel. The winning presentation is eligible to present at the following years’ AIR Forum, with partial travel expenses covered by CIRPA and AIR.


2023:  “Unexpected Applications: Leveraging Our New Survey Platform to Enhance UCN’s Strategic & Operational Capabilities.” – Amber Strong, Halla Elnour, Laura Labossiere, and Ashley Blackman (University College of the North)

2022:  “The Past, Present, and Future of Enrolment Projections at Thompson Rivers University” – Matthew Kennedy and Dominique Cook (Thompson Rivers University)

2021: “A Collaborative Approach to Understanding Enrolment Patterns: The Student Flows Project” – Annay Slabikowska and Craig Thompson (University of British Columbia) and “Rethinking Student Evaluations of Teaching from the Student Perspective” – Stephanie McKeown (University of British Columbia)

2020: “A User-Oriented Enrolment Scenario Tool – Dynamic Forecasting to Inform Decision Making” – Pete Hrkac and Derek Kwok, Thompson Rivers University

2019: “Abracadabra: Tell us what the numbers mean? Unpacking retention and graduation student success research using the magician’s bag of tricks” – Mariam Aslam, University of Toronto Scarborough, and Wei Xiong, University of Toronto

2018: “Fine Tuning Your Survey Dashboards for Maximum Impact” – Stephen Childs and Patrick P. Cernea, York University

2017: “The Death of Hunch-Based Decision Making in Higher Education” – Morgan Blair, Medicine Hat College

2016: “Collaborating with Student Services to Improve Retention: NSCC’s Incoming Student Success Survey” – Laurie Alexander and Nonie Sly Nichols, Nova Scotia Community College

2015: “The Art and Science of Factor Analysis: How to summarize survey results to engage your audience” – Kristen Hamilton and Linda Kupp, Thompson Rivers University