The Nominating Committee is inviting CIRPA members to nominate candidates for the 2024 elections. A nomination form is included separately with this notice.

Please note that the deadline for nominations is May 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. PDT.

Elections will be conducted and results announced in June. Each position will be for a two-year term and will become effective immediately following the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The next AGM will be held in October 2024, concurrent with the 2024 conference in Fredericton, NB (October 20 – 23, 2024).

Elected members of the Board of Directors are expected to attend the conference, the AGM and all other meetings as determined by the Board.

Nominees must hold a regular membership for the 2023/24 year (must purchase or renew before May 16, 2024 if not currently a member).

The following positions are open for nomination:
•    Secretary
•    Treasurer
•    Member-at-Large (1 position)
•    Nominating Committee (2 positions – not a member of the Board of Directors)

Please note that each position is for a two-year term.

The Board would like to thank and acknowledge the valued contributions of Zenon Kurjewicz (Secretary) who is completing his second term as Secretary and fourth year on the Board and is not eligible to run for the same Board position this election cycle.


Secretary (detailed position description available upon request)

The Secretary prepares, maintains and distributes the Board’s records, such as the minutes, agendas, correspondence and contracts. The incumbent will assist the President with correspondence as requested, coordinate, assemble and distribute to membership the package for the Annual General meeting and liaise with conference chair(s) for the organization of in-person Board meetings.

Treasurer (detailed position description available upon request)

The Treasurer maintains responsibility for receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Association; establishment and maintenance of appropriate records of all financial transactions; ensuring all expenditures are made within the specifications of approved budgets and have been properly incurred according to the policies of the Association; facilitating the work of the auditor appointed to prepare the financial audit of the Association, and presenting the findings of the auditor to the membership; and developing and maintaining, in consultation with the executive, a budget for the Association.

Member-at-Large (detailed position description available upon request)
Members-at-Large shall be responsible for activities determined by the Board of Directors such as communications, website, and other professional development activities. Assignment of responsibilities shall be determined by the President, in consultation with the members of the Board.

Nominating Committee (not members of the Board of Directors)
The Nominating Committee is composed of a maximum of 5 members. The immediate past president serves as chair and 4 members (2 positions in alternating years) shall be elected as part of the election process. The committee assesses nominations and develops a slate of candidates, reflective of the composition of the membership, for election by the membership.


Only members of the Association holding a regular membership are eligible to stand for election to any of these positions. Members who would like to nominate themselves or other members of the Association for any of the above listed positions should e-mail Please complete the Nominations Form and include a short biography (250 words or less) and a photo.


Thank you.

2023-24 Nominating Committee
Stephanie McKeown – (chair) University of British Columbia
David Paul – Portage College
Yuqin Gong – University of Prince Edward Island
Neil Chakraborty – University of Toronto