The fight against systemic discrimination and the commitment to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) across postsecondary institutions has translated in increased requests for demographic information about students, faculty, and staff. Practitioners must grapple with this challenge and search for ways to reconcile formal approaches to data collection and analysis with an evolving understanding of the needs to support EDI and fluidity in definitions, terminology, and context. During this session, participants will have an opportunity to learn concepts that are central to EDI as well as guiding principles for data collection, as we share lessons learned from our work in this area. We will provide an overview of our research-based approach and findings, and introduce participants to the EDI framework we developed. Since learning and integrating EDI into our day-to-day lives is a personal journey, enriched by shared experiences and collaboration, the topic will be discussed using a participative and reflective approach.
April 27 at 1 pm EDT